
Overview of all (working) papers, February 2023


Brandt, Martina, Christian Deindl, Ginevra Floridi, Robert Heidemann, Judith Kaschowitz, Nekehia Quashie, Ellen Verbakel & Melanie Wagner. (2023). Social inequalities and the wellbeing of family caregivers across European care regimes. Journal of Family Research, 35, 181–195.

Carrino, Ludovico, Vahé Nafilyan & Mauricio Avendano (2023). Should I care or should I work? The impact of work on informal care. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 42(2), 424-455.

Le, Dung, Nekehia T. Quashie, Martina Brandt & Yoko Ibuka (2023). Wealth inequalities in physical and cognitive impairments across Japan and Europe: The role of health expenditure and infrastructure. International Journal for Equity in Health 22, 123.

Le, Dung & Yoko Ibuka (2023). Understanding the effects of informal caregiving on health and well-being: Heterogeneity and mechanisms. Social Science & Medicine 317, 1-9.

Verbakel, Ellen, Karen Glaser, Yasmina Amzour, Yasmina, Martina Brandt & Marjolein Broese van Groenou (2023): Indicators of familialism and defamilialization in long-term care: a theoretical overview and introduction of macro-level indicatorsJournal of European Social Policy 33(1), 34-51.


Abbing, Jens, Bianca Suanet & Marjolein Broese Van Groenou (2022). How does long-term care impact the psychological wellbeing of older adults in different care policy contexts in the Netherlands? A comparison of 1998, 2008 and 2018. Health and Social Care in the Community, 1-11.

Brandt, Martina, Judith Kaschowitz & Nekehia Quashie (2022): Socioeconomic inequalities in the wellbeing of informal caregivers across EuropeAging & Mental Health 26(8), 1589-1596.

Floridi, Ginevra, Nekehia Quashie, Karen Glaser & Martina Brandt (2022): Partner care arrangements and well-being in mid- and later life: The role of gender across care contexts. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 77(2), 435-445.

Quashie, Nekehia, Melanie Wagner, Ellen Verbakel & Christian Deindl (2022): Socioeconomic differences in informal caregiving in Europe. European Journal of Ageing 19, 621-632.


Abbing, Jens, Bianca Suanet & Marjolein Broese van Groenou (2021): Socio-economic inequality in long-term care: a comparison of three time periods in the Netherlands. Ageing & Society, 1-21.

Bertin, Giovanni, Ludovico Carrino, & Marta Pantalone (2021): Do standard classifications still represent European welfare typologies? Novel evidence from studies on health and social care. Social Science & Medicine, 114086.

Floridi, Ginevra, Ludovico Carrino & Karen Glaser (2021): Socioeconomic inequalities in home-care use across regional long-term care systems in Europe. The Journals of Gerontology, Series B 76(1), 121-132.

Ibuka, Yoko & Yui Ohtsu (2021): Socioeconomic status and the likelihood of informal care provision in Japan: An analysis considering survival probability of care recipients. PloS one 16(8), e0256107.


Kaschowitz, Judith & Patrick Lazarevic (2020): Bedeutung des Gesundheitsindikators bei der Analyse der Gesundheitsfolgen informeller Pflege. Anderer Indikator, anderes Ergebnis? Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie 53(1), 10-16.


Knauthe, Katja & Christian Deindl (2019): Altersarmut von Frauen durch häusliche Pflege. Gutachten im Auftrag des Sozialverband Deutschland e. V.

Wagner, Melanie, Annette Franke & Ulrich Otto (2019): Pflege über räumliche Distanz hinweg. Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie 52(6), 529-536.