Stakeholder Meeting I – Germany

The aim of the meeting was to present first scientific results of the IN-CARE project and to discuss them with experts from politics, practice and science. Round table discussions with experts from different levels of politics and practice were held to link research to politics and practice. The discussions should answer the following questions:

  • How can the German care system be characterized in a European context?
  • Which indicators capture the most important dimensions of the German care system and regional care infrastructure?
  • Which other indicators could influence the relationship between social inequalities, care and well-being in NRW, Germany and Europe?

In order to allow a differentiated view of the questions, two round table discussions with different focuses were held. For this purpose, the experts were divided into two groups in order to participate in both focus rounds. Expert group I started with the discussion at table I and expert group II discussed at table II. After 40 minutes of animated discussion, the experts changed tables and thus also focus. Table I focused on Germany and the regional context, Table II focused on Germany in the European context. 

Presentation IN-CARE
Presentation First Results
Presentation Example Indicators
Results Expert Rounds